Should You Take Whey Protein Without Workout Or Exercises?

Whey proteins have become a new trend in today’s youth. People have taken whey proteins now more than ever. Many people take whey proteins to form a bulky body or to gain weight. Some of these people consume whey protein and a workout regimen, while some people consume whey protein without workout or exercises.

If you are looking to buy a protein powder pack, whey protein is what you’ll quickly find. A lot of factors determine the consumption of whey proteins. It depends on your body type, way of consumption, workout routine, and others.


What are Whey Proteins?

Whey proteins that are commonly used as supplementation these days help improve muscles and promote weight gain.

They make the milk that we drink up of two main proteins- casein and whey. The whey protein of the milk is separated from casein. The whey protein is considered a complete protein, as it makes up all nine essential amino acids.

workout protein diet for gymers
workout protein diet for gymers

What are the Types of Whey Proteins?

Whey proteins are a natural by-product of milk, which makes it safer than other types of supplements. It divides the whey proteins into three primary types. These types include:

  1. Whey protein concentrate: The WPC contains a low level of carbohydrates and fats. The amount of protein in this whey will depend upon how concentrated it is. If it is a lower end concentration, then it can have 30% protein and can go up to 90% proteins.
  1. Whey protein hydrolysate: WPH is a pre-digested form of whey protein. It is because it has already undergone partial hydrolysis. It is a necessary process for the body to absorb protein. Also it is a comparatively easy-to-digest whey protein.
  1. Whey protein isolate: The isolated form of whey protein is processed to remove all the fat and lactose. It usually has 90 percent protein.


post workout whey protein powder
post workout whey protein powder

7 Whey Proteins Benefits

Since whey proteins are the best supplements in today’s time, it is so because of the benefits it provides to the people.

The high nutritional value of whey proteins has many health benefits. Here are the seven benefits of whey proteins.


  • Whey protein manages blood pressure: Hypertension or high blood pressure has become a leading health concern for heart diseases. The consumption of dairy products is known to lower blood pressure levels. Protein shake consumption can help keep your blood pressure low.
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  • Whey protein is a high-quality protein: Whey protein is a highly beneficial factor of milk. It contains nine essential amino acids making it a complete protein in itself. It is natural and easily digestible when compared to other sources of proteins.


  • Whey protein promotes muscle growth: Many people consume whey protein to supplement their strength training workout. It also prevents age-related muscle loss and improves strength. However, you have to ensure you take a proper diet along with these supplements.


  • Whey proteins boost metabolism: The whey proteins are a by-product of processed milk during cheese making. The protein content in it is natural. These proteins help to burn more calories and expend more energy.


  • Whey proteins reduce inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a serious issue today. It can be harmful and can lead to many diseases. Short-term inflammation is subtle, but chronic inflammation isn’t. Whey proteins have been shown to reduce inflammation in many people.


  • Whey proteins improve antioxidant defenses: Oxidative stress and cut the risk of various chronic diseases. These proteins are known to reduce this oxidative stress from the body by increasing glutathione levels.


  • Whey proteins manage appetite: Whey protein is known to reduce hunger. It fills your stomach enough that it might not feel hungry for a long time. It reduces the consumption of fats and carbs.


post workout diet plan, protein
post workout diet plan, protein

Can Whey Proteins be Taken Without Exercise?

People think of drinking protein shakes made with whey as an easy way to make muscles. If you need to increase your protein intake due to some underlying deficiency, then you’ll prefer drinking whey protein shakes as an easy way.

Many people ignore the fact that there are many other sources of proteins. The only way people prefer to intake proteins is by drinking protein shakes. Most of these people take whey protein without even exercising. 

Proteins are often associated with a weight loss diet. Whey proteins avoid fats and carbs in the body. It makes people think that they can have proteins and lose weight. Well, yes, you can take whey proteins without working out, but only to a limit.


Should you Take Whey Protein Without Workout or Exercises?

protein powder diet plan
protein powder diet plan

Now that you know that you can take whey protein without exercising, it raises another crucial question. Is it safe to drink proteins without exercise? The average protein shake is said to provide about 30 grams of protein. 

Proteins from natural sources are a better option if you prefer not to workout. Whey protein is highly beneficial for the people who kill it in gyms or exercise aggressively. Such people need a lot more extra protein to help them with muscle repair and recovery. Only eating healthy food is not enough for such people.

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The second set of people who can benefit from whey proteins are the elderly. The elderly and the infirm often experience a decrease in their appetite. These people need high protein intake to recover from illnesses. The elderly, however, cannot exercise and so whey protein shakes are more palatable than solid foods.

The other people want to have whey protein and do not need to intake it. Whey protein shakes are used as a meal replacement reduces calorie intake. It also reduces your urge to eat. If you wish to have a protein shake without exercising as a part of your routine, you should lower your calorie intake.

The safe consumption of whey protein should be followed. The first thing you need to know is the purpose of taking supplement protein. Your goal will set out the requirements of the intake. A person weighing 70 kg on an average will need 80-90 grams of protein every day. You may source it from food or supplements like whey.

Make sure you buy genuine products that are doable and provide balanced nutrition. You also need to ensure the intake of other essential nutrients as well.


protein shake diet post workout
protein shake diet post workout

Side-Effects of Consuming Whey Protein Without Workout

Many people drink whey protein shakes, thinking it to be the easiest way of increasing muscles. You can find many people who would prefer consuming more supplements rather than working out in the gym. People wish to build a perfect body but do not want to exercise.

Whey proteins are a convenient and efficient way to get the desired biceps and triceps. However, whey proteins also have many downsides. Here are a few side-effects of consuming whey protein without exercising.


  • The Quality of your Muscles Might not be Good. 

The purpose of whey proteins is to help in fast muscle recovery. Most athletes and bodybuilders take protein shakes because of this reason. The whey protein enhances protein synthesis by reinforcing damaged muscle repair, build, and growth. If you want to build muscles, it is essential to work out along with consuming whey proteins. Protein will only help to grow muscles faster when you train, but not without exercise.


  • Weight Gain or Unwanted Fat

Whey protein shakes contain a lot of calories. A regular whey protein shake contains 110 calories if taken with water and 300 calories with milk and fruits. As you start consuming these shakes, you’ll see a little result with one glass and might start taking 2-3 drinks per day. Now, imagine the number of calories intake you are taking without working out. You do nothing to burn fat or calories and only intake more calories. It will lead to an increase in your weight or unwanted fat.

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  • Heart Disease Risks

Many studies suggest that too much whey intake is linked to the risk of heart diseases. Excess consumption of whey proteins can even lead to a cardiac arrest or disturbed heartbeat.


  • Kidney Ailments

The task of the kidney is to metabolize excess protein. If you meet more than the required diet, your metabolism slows down. Your kidneys feel strained to process the raw protein and many times fail to do it properly. It can cause many health problems, from kidney stones to cancer.


  • Unbalanced Nutrition

It is always safe to consume proteins in their natural form. However, if you take supplements of proteins, it might increase your diet’s number of proteins. It disrupts the naturally balanced nutrition in the body. You should try to teach natural nutrients in your diet if you don’t wish to exercise.



Whey protein without exercising can be taken but in a limited manner. It would help if you consumed such proteins in safe amounts. Even though whey proteins have numerous benefits, one cannot ignore the side-effects it causes. 

Whey proteins of renowned brands and sources are safer. You should always try to work out if you are taking proteins. Even a simple exercise can work. 

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